Brianna, Regina
A Shakespearean sonnet celebrating (as per competition guidelines) Brianna's "grace and courtesy", composed for the Poeta Atlantia competition at her coronation on April 14, 2012.
A rose beyond compare hath won my heart,
Her virtues far too numerous to name.
I strive to do her honor, and so start:
Her gentle words doth every quarrel tame.
Her feet to merry measure gaily step
Inspiring all musicians to take note,
And tiny children to her skirts have crept
For she, with whispers, hath their demons smote.
Her grace enlivens all within a room:
The foreign king beneath his jeweled crown,
The ragged chambermaid whi drags her broom,
The merchant who must hawk his wares through town.
My queen commands her people with her smiles
And so we follow her across the miles.